
Student Summer Employment Program

May 3, 2021

Organization: Dept. of Advance Education and Skills
Description: The Student Summer Employment Programs (SSEP) provides funding to assist Private Sector employers and Not-for-Profit Organizations to create summer jobs for students.
Area of Funding: Post Secondary: minimum subsidy period is five (5) weeks and the maximum subsidy period is 12 weeks. Students must work at least 25 hours per week in order for the employer to maintain the subsidy.
High School Students: the minimum subsidy period is four (4) weeks and the maximum subsidy period is eight (8) weeks. Students must work at least 20 hours per week in order for the employer to maintain the subsidy.
Maximum Funding Amount:

  • The subsidy for Not-for-Profit Organizations approved under these programs will be 100% of the current minimum wage plus 15% to help cover the mandatory employment related costs (MERCs).
  • The subsidy for private sector employers shall be $5 towards the hourly wage.
  • All payments required by law are the responsibility of the employer, including Income Tax, Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan (CPP), assessments under the Workplace Health Safety and Compensation Act and holiday pay.

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