Inclusion Advisory Committee
The committee consists of community representatives that provide Recreation NL with advice, guidance and support for inclusive recreation programming and opportunities.
Recreation and Sport for Persons with a Disability Steering Committee
This initiative is designed to increase support, remove barriers and develop actions that support persons with a disability to participate in recreation and sport activities. The steering committee brings together stakeholders from different knowledge areas and backgrounds who guide and support the work of this initiative.
Eat Great and Participate Committee
This committee is made of representatives from Government of NL, and Recreation NL. The Committee meets quarterly to set goals and monitor program progress to ensure healthy food and beverage options are promoted and supported in recreation, sport and community settings.
HIGH FIVE® Advisory Committee
Recreation NL’s HIGH FIVE® Advisory Committee supports the development, growth and positioning of HIGH FIVE® as the standard for quality programming in the province. The committee is comprised of individuals that have experience and knowledge in recreation, child programming, sport and using HIGH FIVE®. Members for the committee include representatives from the recreation, childcare, and sport sectors and HIGH FIVE® Trainer and registered organizations.
Active Living Advisory Committee
Recreation NL’s Active Living Advisory Committee assist with the development, collaboration, coordination and delivery of Recreation NL’s Active Living resources, that focus on improving the physical activity levels of citizens of NL. The committee is comprised of individuals that have experience and knowledge in recreation and physical activity. Committee members includes representatives from the recreation, sport, health promotion and education sectors.