
Updated Recreation and Sport Key Messages

May 26, 2021

Below are some sport and recreation key messages that have been developed and reviewed by Public Health:

Recreation and Sport Key Messages April 13, 2021

The presence of COVID-19 variants (including B.1.1.7), introduces new challenges and it is important that facility operators and organizations are aware of the following:

  • COVID-19 variants may spread more rapidly than the original strain of the virus.
  • Given that COVID-19 is transmissible by asymptomatic individuals, it may go undetected, thus the more rapid spread of COVID-19 variants can lead to more cases, and potentially more deaths.
  • The potential risk of COVID-19 spread, is highest when individuals are indoors, within two metres of each other, in a small space with limited ventilation, sharing equipment or food, and/or taking deep breaths. Therefore, recreational activity and sports occurring indoors and/or in close proximity to others, are considered higher risk.
  • Maintaining physical distance as much as possible during recreation activities and sport is very important, especially, as Alert Level 2 commences, particularly in the context of COVID-19 variants.
  • It is important that in the context of COVID-19 variants, resuming sport and recreation activity should include a modified and phased in approach.

A number of inquiries regarding whether spectators are permitted to attend training and/or competition have been received. The Special Measures Order states, “with the exception of 1 person per child, as required to assist the child in preparing to ‘participate in a group activity, spectators are not permitted.”

Non-medical masks should be worn as much as possible when in indoor spaces. Full information may be found at While participating in indoor sports, NMM must be worn inside the facility, however participants may remove their mask when engaged in moderate or vigorous physical activity as determined by the coaches or organizers. NMM should be worn where possible and it is recommended that coaches wear NMM at all times while coaching.

The province has released a timeline showing all eligible individuals 16 years of age or older being able to receive one dose of vaccine by late-June or early-July:

All public health measures (e.g. travel restrictions, self-isolation, physical distancing, mask use, gathering size restrictions and vaccinations) work together to limit the introduction and spread of COVID-19. It is important to continue to follow all public health measures, even when vaccinated.

PH advises that provincial sport organizations and private or non-PSO sport operators should submit Return to Sport Plans to TCAR for review and approval. It is recommended that Return to Sport Plans are submitted for review and approval for all inter-squad competition (competition between teams).

If individuals are aware of organizations or operators that are offering inter-squad competition or out of province competition opportunities that have not been reviewed and approved, it is recommended that individuals/organizations share that information with TCAR or public health officials.

Responses to Questions – Recreation

Are parents that assist children/youth at arenas considered assistants or spectators? Allowing them in facility could result in 100 people at a facility (if 1 parent/participant) and sport guidance notes no spectators allowed.

  • The Special Measures Order (SMO) states “with the exception of 1 person per child, as required to assist the child in preparing to ‘participate in a group activity, spectators are not permitted.”
  • Sport guidance does not state that spectators are not permitted, but compliance with the SMO is required.

Style repeats …

Responses to Questions – Sport

Should PSO remain with two-week intervals for progressing through phases of Alert Level 2?

  • PH notes that a phased-in approach is recommended in returning to all activities, including training and competition. PH advises that at least a 2 week period between phases is a recommended timeline, to ensure careful consideration prior to returning to inter-team competition and other activities.
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